And the Soulstone said No

Title: And the Soulstone said NoAuthor: Silver DragonflyGenre: General, EADFandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sailor MoonRating: PGCharacter Focus/Pairing: N/AWarnings: Canon Character DeathWords: 1,749Beta: Summary: A couple POV snippets of idea around the soul stone being sentient and having opinions about Thanos plan. Notes: Incomplete, EAD 2025 Offering


Shards of Crystal: Pathfinder

Title: Shards of Crystal: PathfinderAuthor: Silver Dragonfly & Blue MelodieGenre: General, Drama, Canon-Divergent, Alternate UniverseFandom: Sailor MoonRating: PGCharacter Focus/Pairing: Usagi TsukinoWarnings: Non Canon Character Death (off-screen), EAD 2025Words: 7,998Beta: N/ASummary: Tragedy hits home and Usagi is now forced to find a new path forward without the senshi to support or influence her. Notes: This is about 20+ years old and will never be completed. There were a lot of (at the time) common Sailor Moon tropes showing up in the planning and writing of this. In the end it was just a fun activity/project with one of my oldest best…


Recovering Hope

Obi-Wan Kenobi had been lost in grief for over a decade after the rise of The Empire. Now he has been pulled back into the greater galaxy and reminded of what it means to fight for light and hope after meeting young Leia Organa. Now he must follow his instincts and the force once more to protect and guide the light in the future.


From the Ashes

From The Ashes By Silver Dragonfly

The Yondaime was dead and Konoha was now at its most vulnerable since the village’s founding. Sarutobi Hiruzen must face how he will shape Konoha’s future for generations to come in the hours after the Kyuubi’s defeat. Will he simply react to the threats they face now, or will he prepare for their future for years to come?



Kagome has returned to the present now that the Shikon-no-Tama is gone and the battle with Naraku is truly over. Now, she must find her place in a modern age despite all her effort to find her own strength while five hundred years in the past. Now she just needs to finish her education, find a way to learn to control her spiritual power that has no place in the modern-day, and face all the trauma she has from living in survivor mode for the past three years.


Kitsune no Tsuki

During peace talks hosted by Konohagakure between The Golden Kingdom and The Silver Moon Kingdom, Namikaze Minato fell in love. Nine months later his children were born, and due to the politics, logistics, and the secrecy of their relationship, the newborn twins were separated. One each remained with each parent. Twelve years later, the estranged twins are meeting for the first time.
