
In my pursuit of making writing a more inclusive part of my life, there are some challenges I hope to be inspired by and participate in.

Challenges and Events

In my pursuit of making writing a more inclusive part of my life, there are some challenges I endeavor to participate in or follow.

NaNoWriMo or ‘NANO’ (

National Novel Writing Month – An annual international writing challenge to complete 50 thousand written words within the month of November.
NaNoWriMo: A nonprofit organization that provides, tools, structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds — on and off the page.

Quantum Bang (

An annual challenge to write a 50k story in any fandom with the theme of ‘Fix-It’

Rough Trade (

Rough Trade is a writing website dedicated to providing a safe and challenging environment for writers to work on and share works-in-progress. We have three challenge events a year. (April – July – November)

Just Write Discord Server – Bingo (

Bingo Card of prompts to be completed by the end of the calendar year for any fandom. (Or whenever you feel inspired) Each story should be 1k – 10k in length and should stand alone (episodes, short stories, not chapters).

Just Write is a creative maker space for writers and artists to get work and grow. The Just Write Discord Server is run and maintained by Jilly James and Keira Marcos.

Just Write – Trope Bingo – 2020

Prompts: Trope List (can be found on Just Write)
Event Period: May 30th, 2020 to September 30th, 2020 (bonus to end of 2020)

Just Write – Holiday Bingo – 2022

Prompts: trope + holiday of your choice
Event Period: 2022 (All Year, Card sign-ups ended March 31st)

The Big Moxie (

Be a little brave, write a little story, and be comfortable while you do it. Each quarter, you’ll have a new theme to explore with a minimum word count of 5,000. At the end of the quarter, you’ll post links to your work(s), and we’ll create a page showcasing the entries for each theme.

The Big Moxie is a personal goals challenge for those who find traditional big bang environments stressful or who find Rough Trade intriguing from a thematic point of view, but find the challenge itself daunting. Thus, we have chosen themes that proved popular on RT in the past to start the challenge off.

My Work in Challenges

Works I have created (fanfiction or fanart) for a challenge or event.

  • A Mau Calling

    Luna wakes up from stasis after the fall of the Moon Kingdom. more…

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  • Art – QuantumBang 2023

    For the QuantumBang 2023, I participated as an artist. I was matched up with Lailith Quetzalli and her story Sailor Moon story, Moonlight Destiny. more…

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  • Art – QuantumBang 2024

    For the QuantumBang 2024, I participated as an artist. I was matched up with Meyari McFarland and her Untamed story , Twin Patriarchs of Yiling. more…

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  • Birdcage

    Kagome has returned to the present now that the Shikon-no-Tama is gone and the battle with Naraku is truly over. Now, she must find her place in a modern age despite all her effort to find her own strength while five hundred years in the past. Now she just needs to finish her education, find…

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  • ChangeUp

    The Last Inning. The Last Out. The stakes had never been higher, and it was the moment Miyuki lived for, and then his world shattered across all five senses. With his career over, his passion lost, and his friends all angry at him; Miyuki must adapt to coming online as a sentinel and the empty…

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  • From the Ashes

    The Yondaime was dead and Konoha was now at its most vulnerable since the village’s founding. Sarutobi Hiruzen must face how he will shape Konoha’s future for generations to come in the hours after the Kyuubi’s defeat. Will he simply react to the threats they face now, or will he prepare for their future for…

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  • Just Write – Holiday Bingo [Art Card]

    Bingo Art Card from Just Write Discord server. My card and the progress I made on it. more…

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  • Special Measures

    The war is over. Hermione is starting to get herself organized to try to continue on with the new normal when she gets a summons to a meeting at Gringotts. Somewhere she thought she’d never be welcome again. more…

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  • Spirit of the Fox

    Ten years after the first Maikai Tournament, Reikai calls on Kurama to help with a case once more. A Nogitsune’s seal is weakening and Reikei needs to kitsune found and dealt with before it can break loose. more…

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  • Transitions

    The figure skating world is rocked on its axis after Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov comes online as a guide during his exhibition skate at the 2009 World Championships. An investigation is launched by the International Skating Union(ISU) and quickly uncovers a conspiracy within the Russian Skating Federation(RSF). more…

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