2020 creativity in review

Ignoring all the horribleness in the world at large, I had set myself several personal goals to be more creative in 2020. I both did and did not make all my goals, but the fact that I made any of them at all is, in itself, a success. As I wrote previously I have been struggling to bring creativity back into my day-to-day life on a regular basis, while it’s still not there every day, it’s much more present than it was a year ago.



The Last Inning. The Last Out. The stakes had never been higher, and it was the moment Miyuki lived for, and then his world shattered across all five senses. With his career over, his passion lost, and his friends all angry at him; Miyuki must adapt to coming online as a sentinel and the empty place he has been ignoring at his side since high school.


Lost Uzumaki

Shanks was used to strange meetings on the various islands of the Grand Line. However, this one was unusual even for the Grand Line. A Lost Uzumaki is found and Naruto has no plans of not becoming part of his family. (A Series of Snapshots about the finding of lost family.)


My History with Fanfiction

Fanfiction has been my guilty pleasure ever since I first stumbled across my first Sailor Moon multi-cross disaster that I just could not walk away from. I was intrigued, traumatized, and possibly even scandalized. Then I found my first archive, A Sailor Moon Romance, and well the rest is kind of history. As I’m pretty sure any fanfiction author can attest, you can only read so much before you start writing.
