Joined Aug 5, 2000, id: 15340
Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and One Piece.
creativity goals 2021
Ignoring all the horribleness in the world at large, I had set myself several personal goals to be more creative in 2020. I both did and did not make all my goals, but the fact that I made any of them at all is, in itself, a success. As I wrote previously I have been struggling to bring creativity back into my day-to-day life on a regular basis, while it’s still not there every day, it’s much more present than it was a year ago.
Fanfiction has been my guilty pleasure ever since I first stumbled across my first Sailor Moon multi-cross disaster that I just could not walk away from. I was intrigued, traumatized, and possibly even scandalized. Then I found my first archive, A Sailor Moon Romance, and well the rest is kind of history. As I’m pretty sure any fanfiction author can attest, you can only read so much before you start writing.
Realized after updating Lost Uzumaki last night that as of today (the 5th) I have been a registered member of for 14 years. Crazzy. π
Over the years I have found myself brainstorming and considering scenarios for fanfiction and other stories whenever and wherever I was. Sometimes these led inyo actual ideas for things I would later write. Other times they were more just what ifs I considered for fun. Lately though, my muse seems to enjoy giving me shots of inspiration while Im in the shower. (Demonstrated by the 1200 or so wordd I wrote after my shower last night.) So goes the quote, βNever mess with a muse.β π
Joined Aug 5, 2000, id: 15340
Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and One Piece.