Kitsune no Tsuki – Arc 1: Ch 04-06

Title: Kitsune no TsukiAuthor: Silver DragonflyFandom: Naruto x Sailor MoonGenre: General, Drama, Alternate UniverseRating: PG-13Warnings: Canon Character Death, Canon Level ViolenceWords: 19,537 Summary: During peace talks hosted by Konohagakure between The Golden Kingdom and The Silver Moon Kingdom, Namikaze Minato fell in love. Nine months later his children were born, and due to the politics, logistics, and the secrecy of their relationship, the newborn twins were separated. One each remained with each parent. Twelve years later, the estranged twins are meeting for the first time. Chapter 4 Luna leaped carefully from roof to roof as she made her way through…


Kitsune no Tsuki – Arc 1: Ch 01-03

Title: Kitsune no TsukiAuthor: Silver DragonflyFandom: Naruto x Sailor MoonGenre: General, Drama, Alternate UniverseRating: PG-13Warnings: Canon Character Death, Canon Level ViolenceWords: 24,336 Summary: During peace talks hosted by Konohagakure between The Golden Kingdom and The Silver Moon Kingdom, Namikaze Minato fell in love. Nine months later his children were born, and due to the politics, logistics, and the secrecy of their relationship, the newborn twins were separated. One each remained with each parent. Twelve years later, the estranged twins are meeting for the first time. Chapter 1 Serenity looked back over her shoulder just as she reached the threshold of…


Kitsune no Tsuki

During peace talks hosted by Konohagakure between The Golden Kingdom and The Silver Moon Kingdom, Namikaze Minato fell in love. Nine months later his children were born, and due to the politics, logistics, and the secrecy of their relationship, the newborn twins were separated. One each remained with each parent. Twelve years later, the estranged twins are meeting for the first time.


Creativity in 2022

Realized I haven’t made a goal post yet for this coming year, but nor have I reviewed what I accomplished of my goals from this last year. So lets get started. 2021 in Review Yes! I have kept up with my writing work, although this year took more of a plotting role than active story writing role. I have a lot of ideas on the board though, so I am pleased. I played with a lot of different writing tools, worldbuilding tools, and methods in the last two years. I loved the idea of Scrivener, unfortunately it was both too…


2020 creativity in review

Ignoring all the horribleness in the world at large, I had set myself several personal goals to be more creative in 2020. I both did and did not make all my goals, but the fact that I made any of them at all is, in itself, a success. As I wrote previously I have been struggling to bring creativity back into my day-to-day life on a regular basis, while it’s still not there every day, it’s much more present than it was a year ago.
