Creativity and Fanfic Banners

It has been my inspiration and pleasure to create several banners for fanfic works by other author’s than myself in the recent months. I have been playing a lot with Picsart in the last year and have found an interesting dynamic between the tools and resources provided in the webapp version of Picsart and Adobe Photoshop. This piece was created for the Star Wars story The Droid Wars by Crystal Shard on Ao3. This cover image was created for the Star Wars series REPRISE by Elfpen on Ao3. I also had the honor of creating art for Lailaith Quetzalli during…


From the Ashes

From The Ashes By Silver Dragonfly

The Yondaime was dead and Konoha was now at its most vulnerable since the village’s founding. Sarutobi Hiruzen must face how he will shape Konoha’s future for generations to come in the hours after the Kyuubi’s defeat. Will he simply react to the threats they face now, or will he prepare for their future for years to come?
