And the Soulstone said No

Title: And the Soulstone said NoAuthor: Silver DragonflyGenre: General, EADFandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sailor MoonRating: PGCharacter Focus/Pairing: N/AWarnings: Canon Character DeathWords: 1,749Beta: Summary: A couple POV snippets of idea around the soul stone being sentient and having opinions about Thanos plan. Notes: Incomplete, EAD 2025 Offering


Shards of Crystal: Pathfinder

Title: Shards of Crystal: PathfinderAuthor: Silver Dragonfly & Blue MelodieGenre: General, Drama, Canon-Divergent, Alternate UniverseFandom: Sailor MoonRating: PGCharacter Focus/Pairing: Usagi TsukinoWarnings: Non Canon Character Death (off-screen), EAD 2025Words: 7,998Beta: N/ASummary: Tragedy hits home and Usagi is now forced to find a new path forward without the senshi to support or influence her. Notes: This is about 20+ years old and will never be completed. There were a lot of (at the time) common Sailor Moon tropes showing up in the planning and writing of this. In the end it was just a fun activity/project with one of my oldest best…
