14 years
Realized after updating Lost Uzumaki last night that as of today (the 5th) I have been a registered member of Fanfiction.net for 14 years. Crazzy. 🙂
[Fanart] Shanks Study
[Fanart] LU Scene Doodle

[Fanart] Shanks vs Jackalope

Shanks and the Jackalope by Lillikira
a doodle/drawing inspired by chapter 14 – Ninja VS Pirate of the fanfiction Lost Uzumaki I have been writing and posting to Fanfiction.net
If you are not familiar with the furry creature, it is a Jackalope.
“The jackalope is a mythical animal of North American folklore (a so-called “fearsome critter”) described as a jackrabbit with antelope horns or deer antlers and sometimes a pheasant’s tail (and often hind legs). The word “jackalope” is a portmanteau of “jackrabbit” and “antelope”.
[Fanart] Teddy-Bear

a doodle/drawing inspired by chapter 13 – Teddy-Bear of the fanfiction Lost Uzumaki I have been writing and posting to Fanfiction.net
When does your muse strike?
Over the years I have found myself brainstorming and considering scenarios for fanfiction and other stories whenever and wherever I was. Sometimes these led inyo actual ideas for things I would later write. Other times they were more just what ifs I considered for fun. Lately though, my muse seems to enjoy giving me shots of inspiration while Im in the shower. (Demonstrated by the 1200 or so wordd I wrote after my shower last night.) So goes the quote, “Never mess with a muse.” 🙂
[Fanart] LN: Waking UP

Going through some of my older stuff. This was a piece inspired by the fanfiction story “Waking Up” by AyBenelli on FF.net. (I believe it was originally title The Captain & His Navigator.)
Silver Dragonfly @ Fanfiction.net
Joined Aug 5, 2000, id: 15340
Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and One Piece.
Lost Uzumaki – Part 1: Discovery
Naruto searches for, finds, and makes contact with his previously unknown uncle.