I mostly roam the net under the names of Lillikira or the pen name, Silver Dragonfly. My favorite color is blue. I currently have two cats that I play cat-mom to who I adore and are my furbabies (Tarma is the tortoiseshell, Jack is the grey and white tux).
Regarding fanfiction – well I’ve been reading and dabbling in writing since I was in high school. I enjoy reading many various fandoms, have written in several, and brainstormed ideas or concepts for several more. It is a guilty pleasure I will likely continue to maintain for years to come.
As a young writer, I fell into the need for reviews, acknowledgment, recognition trap and sadly it hurt my writing growth for a while. Not to mention, I’m really terribly shy, an introvert, independent, and hate asking for anything. It’s hard to write for just yourself and no one to share it and get excited with about your ideas, craziness, and plot bunnies to chase down rabbit holes. I’ve found a few groups over the years, some have helped me grow, some have not, the loss of them however always hurts.
Here’s to writing for myself and becoming less dependent on the acknowledgment of others in order to keep doing so.
~ Lillikira
(Silver Dragonfly)
- Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/silverdragonfly-ff
- AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/lillikira/profile
- Fanfiction.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/15340/
Silver Dragonfly @ Fanfiction.net
Joined Aug 5, 2000, id: 15340 Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and One Piece. Silver Dragonfly @ Fanfiction.net more…
When does your muse strike?
Over the years I have found myself brainstorming and considering scenarios for fanfiction and other stories whenever and wherever I was. Sometimes these led inyo actual ideas for things I would later write. Other times they were more just what ifs I considered for fun. Lately though, my muse seems to enjoy giving me shots…
14 years
Realized after updating Lost Uzumaki last night that as of today (the 5th) I have been a registered member of Fanfiction.net for 14 years. Crazzy. 🙂 more…
Regarding Reviewing Fanfics
In response to some reviews that really do not inspire creativity… more…
My History with Fanfiction
Fanfiction has been my guilty pleasure ever since I first stumbled across my first Sailor Moon multi-cross disaster that I just could not walk away from. I was intrigued, traumatized, and possibly even scandalized. Then I found my first archive, A Sailor Moon Romance, and well the rest is kind of history. As I’m pretty…
creativity in 2020
creativity and writing goals for 2020 more…