How It Works
Holiday Bingo is a year-long bingo challenge where your 5×5 bingo card has 24 generic prompts + 1 free space. Your story should be the generic prompt fused with any holiday. You can use all the same holiday, 25 different holidays, 12 holidaysx2; it’s your choice. They can be major, minor, or almost unknown holidays.

First Bingo: Journey – Home – Confession – Fire – Family

B: Accident, Camping, Water, Journey, Music
- Water + Watermelon Day, Fandom: Free!
- Journey + National Road Trip Day, Fandom: Saiyuki
- Music + Carnival!, Fandom: One Piece
I: Baking, Chocolate, Tradition, Home, Mountain
N: Indoors, Earth, Free!, Confession, Legend
- Confession + Save Your Photo Day, Fandom: Yuri on Ice
- Legend + Solstice, Fandom: Sailor Moon
G: Travel, Light, Celebration, Fire, Market
O: Welcome, Wind, Pets, Family, Shopping